Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Field Trip 5

    Chelsea Gallery Reactions
     Visiting the Chelsea galleries I got to see many works of art that inspired me to expand my collection. There were two works of art that captured my attention and they were found in the Anton Kern Gallery located in 532 W 20th St. An oil and acrylic on linen created by Jonas Wood called Doyle, 2013. I like this artwork because the subject of it looks to be of an older man gambling. The expression on the man's face just makes me wonder what can be going through his mind as he's making his play. The other work of art I would add to my collection is "Ovitz Library" by Jonas Woods as well. The size of it which was 100x132 inches, is what impressed me along with the illusion of it being 3 dimensional. It made me feel as if I could enter the room and go through all the different aisles of books. These works of art are a good investment because the subject of gambling has always had my attention and the illusion portrayed in “Ovitz library” is just really amazing to me. Since I have always tried to create artwork with the same illusion and seeing how this artist accomplished it just inspires me to keep trying to make something similar. For these reasons I would show off these works of art in my living room.
    For the works that did not really interest me were found in the Paula Cooper Gallery, located in 534 W 21st St. The first artwork titled, Complex form, 1991 made by Sol Lewitt was the first to not really impress me. In my opinion it was simple not much happening in the painting just colors such as red, black, yellow, blue, gold-ish color and they don’t seem to be outlined just a random splatter of paint on paper. The other work done by Sol Lewitt as well titled the same way but made 3 years earlier, “Complex form“. They look very similar but this one is a bit more organized yet still dull to me. There is more variety of colors but yet don’t make a good impression on me. It wouldn’t be something I would invest in or if I did purchase the art works I would keep them in storage.

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